Pietro Sarubbi (IT 1961) started his career as a circus and theatre actor, and subsequently also worked in film and television. Since 2001, he expanded his film career by working in US productions, including “Captain Corelli’s Mandolin” by John Madden and “The Passion of the Christ” by Mel Gibson. Pietro Sarubbi is a writer and teacher at the Civica Scuola di Cinema in Milan and at the Accademia d’Arte Drammatica Paolo Grassi.
How did the monologue “Follow me. From today your name is Peter” come about?
The performance came about after my personal research into this exceptional figure who overlapped a lot with me in the first part of his life.
The apostle Peter is a man of 2000 years ago. What makes him a contemporary figure?
The apostle Peter is a surprisingly modern figure, how many men today experience anger or simply pain because they don’t feel loved and have the impression that everything is useless until a new gaze, a gaze of love changes them… makes them new.
Before he became Peter, Peter was Simon. What kind of man was he?
He was a man unaccustomed to being loved, a tiring and disappointing job, a wife who perhaps didn’t love him as she should have, children who didn’t arrive, an argumentative and intrusive mother-in-law, in short, a series of conditions that had taken away his smile, his beauty. Simone is a man of our times, isn’t he?
Who are Peter’s interlocutors?
He addresses the judges who arrested him to ask him about his actions, he has just performed the miracle of Pentecost, people acclaim him and the judges asked him about his behaviour, the entire audience becomes part of the popular jury gathered, as was the custom then to judge the condemned.
Your performance as Barabba in “The Passion” by Mel Gibson was important in your professional and human life. How do you remember this experience 18 years later?
Very few words for one of the most important moments of my life, during that film something happened to me that totally changed my life, the actor Pietro received and experienced on that set what happened 2000 years ago to apostle Peter … but come to the show that I will tell you about it!!
Pietro Sarubbi is at the Teatro Foce with “Follow me. Your name from today is Peter” on 27.11 at 20:30.
More information: foce.ch