Club Cult is the intimate and popular film festival that has been inviting everyone to meet and rediscover cult movies since 2007. This year Club Cult is Original Version, i.e. it offers films in the original language with Italian subtitles. Screenings are on Sunday afternoons (at 17:30) at the Studio Foce. Cinema in Tasca, now in its 27th edition, proposes the great films of the last season at the Palazzo dei Congressi, with two screenings on Wednesdays (at 18:00 and 20:30). Two film selections with a price to suit all budgets: the ticket for each screening costs CHF 5.-, CHF 4.- if you are a MyLugano Card or MyLugano Pass holder.
C’mon C’mon
Directed by Mike Mills.
Johnny is a radio journalist who travels the country interviewing many children. When he is forced to take care of his young 8-year-old nephew, the boy brings a new perspective into his life and the two take an unforgettable journey from Los Angeles to New York.
Keywords: parenting, future, family
Chosen because: The alternations between storytelling and ‘real’ interviews, the directorial choice to tell the everyday story of the relationship between uncle and nephew, as well as the use of black and white: each of these aspects contributes to a fresh and original perspective on childhood and family relationships.
Cinema in Tasca. Screening on 08.03 at the Palazzo dei Congressi.
Die Herbstzeitlosen
Directed by Bettina Oberli.
In a small village in the Bernese countryside, elderly Martha is struggling to recover from the death of her husband. In her village in the Emmental, everyone is worried about her, especially her friends Lisi, Hanni and Frieda. Determined to lift her spirits, the three agree to help her realise an old dream: to open a lingerie shop.
Key words: dream, change, Switzerland
Chosen because: The comedy packaged by Oberli is graceful, funny and effective. It speaks gracefully of women and the third/fourth age, of an ageing society in general and of people who, despite being agée, do not lose the will to do and have a purpose. Die Herbstzeitlosen is proof that sometimes even a small, sparkling work is enough to successfully send an important message to the recipient.
Club Cult. Screening on 12.03 at Studio Foce.
Original Swiss German version, Italian subtitles.
Full Time – One Hundred Percent
Directed by Éric Gravel.
Julie struggles alone to raise her children in the countryside and keep her job in a Parisian mansion. When she gets an interview for a position that matches her aspirations, a general strike breaks out, paralysing transport.
Key words: frenzy, work, family
Chosen because: A film that highlights how directorial choices can adapt and be decisive in the staging of a story: in this case, the daily odyssey of a single mother’s commute to work. Rhythm, framing, screenplay: everything is perfectly calibrated and in what could be a genre film, a social thriller, with the added value of Laure Calamy’s excellent performance.
Cinema in Tasca. Screening on 23.03 at the Palazzo dei Congressi.
The next film proposed by Agorateca is “C’mon C’mon” for the Cinema in Tasca film selection.
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