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Esperienze da non perdere

9 – 10 March
The long-awaited event that brings together urban culture and dance under one roof returns.
Lungolago pedonale Lugano

Pedestrian Lakeside

The Lakeside to be experienced in absolute tranquility thanks to traffic closures.
Park & Read Parco Ciani

Risplendenti melodie: l’Ottocento in Matinée

Parco Ciani, Lugano
A musical journey through the elegance and innovation of the 19th century, with tributes to Puccini and his contemporaries.

**UEFA Euro24 – Live Screenings on the Big Screen**

Euro24 brings the best of the European Football Championship directly to our squares, for an unforgettable experience for all sports enthusiasts!
© Divisione eventi e congressi, Città di Lugano

LongLake Festival

From 11 to 28 July 2024, the LongLake Festival returns: concerts, theatre performances, meetings, artistic performances, family activities, markets, and a diverse gastronomic offering.
The new season of the Foce is here: more than 140 appointments between theater, music, cinema, meetings and dance from September to January in the welcoming environments of the Theater and Studio Foce.

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